The European Network of Innovation for Inclusion has widely covered our successful fight against COVID-19 on their web site The innovative and radical measures our Municipality has taken so far against the pandemic have been covered on their official website in the section where they promote the activities of their members regarding Covid-19.
The content shared on the website of the European Network of Innovation for Inclusion highlighted in detail numerous efforts rendered by the Beşiktaş Municipality during the pandemic process, including early digitalization of our services in order to better help our citizens, the establishments and works of our Public Health Digital Center, online video medical consultancy service, online educations and classes for children and young people, digital exhibitions and libraries. In addition to digital services, our extra services such as hosting healthcare professionals at our dormitories to protect their families, providing support to the elderly citizens and street animals were cited as good examples with regards to local government affairs.
Underlining that the Beşiktaş Municipality is the first Turkish Municipality to be a member of the European Network of Innovation for Inclusion, our Mayor Rıza Akpolat said: “It is very important for us to be a member of such an active organization across Europe and that our efforts are deemed worthy of praise on this platform. We have carried out crucial services in Beşiktaş during the Covid-19 pandemic that has affected the whole world. And we are glad to see that the efforts we put into practice in this regard have attracted attention on both national and international level in cooperation with the European Network of Innovation for Inclusion. We will continue offering our services in this new process of normalization".
What is European Network of Innovation for Inclusion?
European Network of Innovation for Inclusion is a new network launched by the Action Against Hunger at European level to promote social innovation among social entities, companies, public administrations, etc. as a tool to create a more inclusive European labor market. This network aims to help different organizations to develop successful European employment and entrepreneurship projects through the exchange of good practices and their participation in European programs. The network is co-financed by the European Social Fund in Spain, within the 2014-2020 Social Inclusion and Social Economy Operative Programme, as a transnational cooperation project.