Family Counselling Service

Family Counselling Service

Beşiktaş Municipality, started to provide Family Counselling Service under Women’s Solidarity Centre.

What is Family Counselling?

Family Counselling is a form of consultancy service in which problems are handled within the family system. The service may involve the entire family or a subset of it, depending on the specific circumstances.

In the sessions performed by the family counsellor, the role of family members in the formation, continuation or resolution of problems is observed. The family counsellor tries to ensure that family members accept their different characteristics, find a balance in living together and increase their roles and functionality in life.

The families desiring to utilize the service, can visit Women’s Solidarity Centre by booking an appointment.

Which Subjects are Covered within Counselling Services?

  • Conflicts in the child-parents relationship
  • Uneasiness and tensions in the family environment
  • Compelling factors (loss, disease, death, bankrupt etc.)
  • Conflicts between husband and wife and its impact on the children
  • Changes in the psychological state with age
  • Disruption of family balance following the health problem or loss of a family member
  • Circumstances starting with the mother's pregnancy or giving birth
  • Adaptation problems or behavioural changes in the child or adolescent
  • The impact of the economic crisis on the family
  • Role confusion within the family and disruption of the hierarchical structure
  • Separation of children from home (through university studies or marriage) which requires both partners to adapt to a childless living condition
  • Any event that creates a crisis in the family system
  • Psychological disorders in a family member (panic attack, depression, alcohol-substance abuse, behavioural disorders, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, etc.)
  • Expressing emotions
  • Family communication, parenting attitudes and positive discipline
  • Self-confidence, self-esteem
  • Dependency in interpersonal relationships
  • Problems related to school and university life (inability to organise, procrastination, adaptation to new environment, friendship relations etc.)
  • Monitoring individual, social, emotional and academic development of students, contribution to their development and the effect of this process on family dynamics
  • Behavioural disorders: obstinacy, lying, stealing, aggression, arson, truancy, bad temper, mischief, belligerence
  • Emotional disorders: fears, anxiety, avoidance, separation anxiety, school phobia, social phobia, childhood depression, obsessiveness (delusions and obsessive thoughts), tics, childhood schizophrenia, sleep disorders, nutrition problems, stammering
  • Habitual disorders such as thumb sucking, nail-biting, enuresis, encopresis

Application Criteria

  • Women and their children who consult Women’s Solidarity Centre
  • Women and their children who attend the workshops of Women’s Solidarity Centre
  • Parents and their children who are residing in the Beşiktaş district.                                                                              

Consultancy Process

Family counselling includes both child/young person and family consultation. Parent and child can also be counselled at different times according to their needs. The maximum number of sessions with a family is planned as 12 sessions. In cases where there is a need for continuation, referral to different experts and institutions will be made.

Appointment Reminder and Cancellation

You can call 0212 319 42 42 (Extension No: 5022) to get information and make an appointment, or to cancel your appointment.

For information and booking an appointment:

Location: Women’s Solidarity Centre

Address: Levent Mah. Yasemin Sok. No: 2 Beşiktaş/İstanbul

E-mail: kadindayanismaveyasam@besiktas.bel.tr

Tel: 0212 319 42 42-5022