The "Adult for Sustainable Rural Development" Project was Realized in Beşiktaş!

The "Adult for Sustainable Rural Development" Project was Realized in Beşiktaş!

Our municipality continues to host European Union Erasmus+ projects...

The Adult Towards a Rural Sustainable Development project that we carried out in collaboration with the Association of Ruse in Help for Society and Young People took place in Beşiktaş between February 2-9 2022.  Within the scope of the project we implemented in cooperation with Beşiktaş Public Education Center, future educators from Bulgaria were informed about sustainable efforts at different points in Beşiktaş and participated in hands-on trainings.

Our guests first experienced traditional handicrafts by participating in trainings such as candle-making from waste materials, zero waste food and pastry, patchwork crafting with leftover fabrics, and slap printing with used shawls and scarves at Beşiktaş Public Education Center. In addition to the efforts at Beşiktaş Public Education Center, the participants were given a presentation on our municipality's practices in Beşiktaş on issues such as the environment, zero waste, carbon neutrality and sustainability. After the presentation made by our Directorate of Environmental Protection and Control, our guests were gifted an aerator (tap aerator) to save water. Akmerkez Shopping Mall's Terrace Agriculture project and permaculture application were examined on-site while the Ek Biç Ye İç (Reap Sow Eat Drink) Team also gave practical information about the Bokashi Compost Application and Terrace Agriculture Project. After the visits, the participants were gifted seed boxes and informed on the subtleties of planting seeds.

The project, aiming to practically teach the youth and adults traditional handicrafts under the theme of sustainability   and with environmentally friendly methods   provided youth workers with a different experience by providing stimulating information in Beşiktaş. After the end of the project, our guests were presented with participation certificates accompanied by gift bags. Our municipality also donated saplings to the Tema Foundation on behalf of all the participants of the project.