Active Living Space is Opened in Beşiktaş

Active Living Space is Opened in Beşiktaş

Carrying out many activities for a healthy and active life, Beşiktaş Municipality has signed a new project in cooperation with Turkish Society of Cardiology and Onaranlar (Fixers) Club. Beşiktaş Mayor Rıza Akpolat stated, “We will continue to implement various social municipal practices to promote active and productive living.”

Each year, 17.1 million people worldwide die from heart-related issues, with sedentary lifestyles being a significant risk factor. In order to promote a healthy, active lifestyle, Beşiktaş Municipality, Turkish Society of Cardiology and Onaranlar Kulübü, has established an Active Living Space in Yeşim Park, located in the Akat neighborhood. The opening of this space, part of the “Active Life, Healthy Society” project, was attended by Beşiktaş Deputy Mayor Dr. Şeref Şeker, and by the representatives of Turkish Society of Cardiology: Secretary General Prof. Dr. Bülent Mutlu, Heart Failure Working Group Chair Prof. Dr. Özlem Yıldırımtürk, and Heart Failure Working Group Board Member Prof. Dr. Emre Aslanger.

In his speech at the opening ceremony, Deputy Mayor  Dr. Şeref Şeker stated, “We attach great importance to our citizens having an active life in our district. We know that physical activities have a positive effect on an individual's cardiovascular health as well as their mental state. In this direction, we have sports facilities that we have established and plan to open, yoga and pilates activities that we set out with the theme of ‘Get Active Besiktaş’ in different parts of our neighbourhood, as well as yoga-breathing exercises that we have prepared through collaborative efforts. The elderly population in Beşiktaş is approximately double the national average, with about 17% of our residents being over the age of 65. In the Akat area, this rate is 21.44%. We aimed to realize this project within the framework of the ‘Get Active Beşiktaş’ concept, specifically for our seniors aged 65+ and to set an example for our youth. We sincerely thank the Turkish Society of Cardiology, the Onaranlar Club, as well as Boehringer Ingelheim for their unconditional support and for making this project possible.”

Prof. Dr. Özlem Yıldırımtürk from the Turkish Society of Cardiology, Chair of the Heart Failure Working Group, emphasized the importance of heart failure, stating, “Heart failure is indeed a growing problem in our country. It is not only a national issue but also a global one. Recent data shows that there are nearly 3 million heart failure patients in Türkiye. Exercise plays a crucial role in our lives, and therefore, I think we should promote exercise to the whole society.”

After the opening, Project Manager of the Onaranlar Club Mervan Önen, introduced the Active Living Space while our citizens exercised in the area. The Active Living Space in Yeşim Park consists of two main sections and eight exercise zones. In this area, both individual and group exercises can be performed. The individual sports area is equipped with various elements where the body-weight exercises such as sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, and dips can be done. In the collective sports area, team activities such as yoga and Pilates can be conducted. Information on how to perform which movement can be easily accessed with the QR codes on the equipment in the area.