Yildiz Clock Tower

Yildiz Clock Tower

Located in the gardens of the Yıldız Hamidiye Mosque in Yıldız, this clock tower is known as the Hamidiye Clock Tower. It was built during the era of Sultan Abdülhamid II, and this clock tower dates back to 1890-1. The tower is 20 meters in height, and three stories high, with a weather vane at the top. Those who dare scale the three staircases that lead all the way to the top of this old clock tower are rewarded for their efforts by seeing the clock room and the incredible setting mechanism here. Many sources note that the architect for this clock tower was one Sarkis Balyan; on the outside of the structure, there are both a barometer and a thermometer, with signs in old Turkish indicating the state of wind and rain and such. This clock tower, interestingly, was also badly damaged by a strong bomb blast prepared by Russian and European leaders working together with some Armenian revolutionaries. The clock tower was heavily damaged, unable to withstand the blast. Despite repairs made in 1993, the clock and other measuring equipment in this clock tower do not work. When the renovation of the Yıldız Hamidiye Mosque is completed, this clock tower is also set to be restored. Whether it will be only a restoration of its outside, as with the Etfal clock tower, or whether all its various devices will be put into working order, is not yet known.