Hot Meal Delivered to Houses in Need in Beşiktaş!

Hot Meal Delivered to Houses in Need in Beşiktaş!

We Increase Our Solidarity!

Our municipality has increased the daily hot meal capacity from one thousand to five thousand people in Beşiktaş. In these difficult times we are going through as a country, the Beşiktaş Municipality continues to deliver hot meals to the houses of our citizens in need and to elderly people through the "Friendly Hands Catering Service”, an initiative of our Municipality.

Beşiktaş Mayor Mr. Rıza Akpolat said that our Municipality continues to deliver hot meals to our citizens in need during Ramadan like we have been doing since the beginning of the Pandemic. "No one is alone and hopeless in Beşiktaş, nor will they ever be…".

Mayor Akpolat said, "We are further growing our solidarity and cooperation during Ramadan. We are doing so both to fight against the pandemic and also on the occasion of our holy month of Ramadan. We use all our means available to help each one of our citizens in need.” We know that the solution to overcome this difficult process is solidarity, cooperation and becoming one. We established our Field Solution Force during the pandemic process. For the first time a Turkish Municipality visited all the houses and businesses within their borders. In this context, we visited 93,540 houses and 10,816 workplaces and public spaces. By knocking on their doors one by one and meeting their needs instantly, we showed our citizens that they are neither alone nor hopeless. We have distributed 14 thousand food packages, around 432 thousand hot meals and 3 million masks up to now. We increased our daily hot meal capacity to 5,000. In addition, we continue to deliver aid packages to our citizens in need. We are growing solidarity and cooperation in the holy month of Ramadan in these difficult times. We perform the requirements of populist and social municipalism. We believe that a social state, social democracy and social solidarity are the cure of this age and we take action accordingly."
