“Beşiktaş Belongs to All of Us”

“Beşiktaş Belongs to All of Us”

Beşiktaş Municipality Launches Field Work for the Strategic Plan: “Beşiktaş Belongs to All of Us”

Beşiktaş Municipality has started field work to introduce the “Strategic Plan”, a comprehensive guide that determines the targets for the future and the path to be followed.

The Field Solution Teams have set up a desk at the district bazaar located in the Konaklar neighbourhood to give information about strategic plan projects of Beşiktaş Municipality and made a questionnaire. The neighbourhood residents first have got information on the projects of Beşiktaş Municipality, afterwards they have shared their demands and suggestions. The residents also wrote their opinions on the strategic plan boards set up in front of Ortaköy Coast and Sinan Paşa Mosque. District residents have showed great interest in the desks to be set up on different days in 23 neighbourhoods of Beşiktaş.

Making a statement on the subject, Beşiktaş Mayor Rıza Akpolat said, “Today, our full attention was on our neighbours in the Konaklar neighbourhood. As we promised to you, we are going to govern Beşiktaş together. We are going to visit all the neighbourhoods in turn, and listen to you, and decide for Beşiktaş together. Beşiktaş belongs to all of us.”

The residents have uttered their satisfaction with this practice when they visited the strategic plan desk opened in the Konaklar neighbourhood. One of the residents said, “Everyone is very pleased with Beşiktaş Municipality. There is not a single piece of rubbish on the street. Our mayor is a very modest person and lives in close contact with the people. The residents of Beşiktaş and I personally are very pleased with him. It is very important to listen to the people and find solutions to their problems.”

All residents who want to involve in the decision-making processes are invited to fill out our online questionnaire. You can visit besiktashepimizin.com for the online questionnaire form.